Sunday, April 06, 2008

No Foolin' on April Fools

These last few days have been pretty crazy, but everything seems to be more under control now. So what exactly happened on April Fool's day? In the morning I started contracting; they were bearable, so I just breathed through them or walked them off, holding off until my 2 PM appointment. Trung had a busy day ahead of him, so I took Lydia to the Arboretum, Costco, and the mall. Every time I had a contraction, I felt like driving back home, but then it would pass and then I'd be alright again.

Wendy and I had planned to have lunch together, but I thought it would be safer to postpone with me going through early labor and all. Instead, she dropped by with some food for Trung since I figured that I shouldn't eat. As I was waiting for my appointment, my contractions got stronger, so I finally had to mention to my Obgyn's nurse that I was in early labor. (they seemed to be a little behind that day). Deb immediately took me back to a room, but I still had to wait a bit for the doctor to come see me. When she did, we found out that I was 8 cm dilated, and since I was GBS positive and needed the medication IV done ASAP, they needed to "rush" me to the hospital side of the building. As I was waiting for someone to wheel me over, I called Trung back around 2:30 PM. Lydia apparently had already woken up from her nap, he was on a conference call, and he was expecting another call...all to which I responded that I was expecting our second child. *silence and then a "huh?"* Apparently he was so busy that he had forgotten that I had been contracting all morning. Um, yeah. I had our car, so he needed to figure a way to get to the!

I got to my labor and delivery room where the nurses got my IV going. They were so busy with their paperwork that no one really breathed with me through the contractions, so I just grasped the bed and my cell phone. At one point I heard a "pop" when my waters broke; the nurse then asked if I wanted to start pushing, but Trung hadn't arrived yet. As I was about to call him, but a contraction came, so I had to hang up. Trung walked in at that moment and Sophie was born about fifteen minutes later. Funny how the night before I was just telling Trung that I hoped Sophie wouldn't be born on April Fool's Day; she sure "fooled" us! :P


  1. Wow, you are a tough woman!

  2. OH MY GOSH! That is such a great story!! I can't believe you were an 8 when you got to your appt! Wow. So did you not get an epidural? So impressive. At least everything went soo fast!!
