Thursday, February 21, 2008

Taking its toll

Being pregnant is beginning to take its toll on my body; by the end of my walks with Lydia, my back is aching. Also, just the other night, I got my first Charlie Horse for this pregnancy. I didn't stretch it out correctly either and my calf ached for days. *sigh* I don't recall having the back pains as much with Lydia, but then again, I was swimming three to four times a week, which took off all the back pressure. I had considered joining the gym just for the pool, but the weather has just now gotten better (I didn't want to have wet hair after swimming and catch a cold) and I wouldn't being using my membership for at least six weeks after I deliver. It's all good though, I can still make it around the neighborhood in one piece. :P

Lydia has been more consistent on her naps now...they range from 1.5 to 2 hours daily and she gets 12 hours of sleep at night (right around 7AM to 7PM). She seems to get bored quite easily now, so I'm thinking about putting her in a Mother's Day Out program or something similar once a week. I got a coupon for a free class at Gymboree Play & Music which I'll probably try, but I've heard you have to stay the entire time and that it's pretty pricey. Lydia could definitely use the interaction with other kids and I could definitely use the break to catch up on chores and sleep when the baby is born.

Potty training is kind of at a stand still. Lydia had stopped saying "poo poo" and I couldn't determine when she peed, so I attempted the "one day" training method where you sit the child on the potty all day. Yeah, that didn't work so well because Lydia didn't drink enough liquids, so she didn't potty for hours; plus, she was getting sick of sitting on her potty. I tried the "one day" method again the next day, but Lydia was still upset about it all, so now I've decided to just let it be...yes, honey, you were right. Now she says "poo poo" too much, but we still take her to the bathroom for routine sake. Maybe we'll try potty training Lydia for reals after she turns two; she's not even a year and a half for crying out loud!

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