Monday, January 28, 2008

Quite the talker

Lydia may not know how to say many words, but she still likes to babble. She will be quite the little talker once she increases her vocabulary, which consists of new words "baby", "ball", "bath", and "no more".

Having one nap time isn't going so well for Lydia; she still sleeps barely an hour and it has been four days! I'll give it a full week, but if her naps don't increase to at least two hours, I'll probably go back to giving her two naps a day and try again in a couple weeks. Actually, I'm not sure what I'm going to do because I really want Lydia accustomed to one longer nap by the time the baby is born in April, but watching her that extra hour or so every day is tiring. I honestly would rather her take two naps during the day and go to sleep at 8 PM since Trung can help during the evenings then Lydia just taking one nap and going to sleep at 7. Any advice, experienced parents?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Hey Grace,

    Try putting Lydia down for a nap from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm if you can. Daniel only naps around 90 mins now but at least it's pretty consistent timewise.

    Also, Chi said when you're having a boy, it's all belly so that's why you might feel a bit bigger than with Lydia.
