Monday, October 22, 2007

Nightmares, Netflix, & Chills

Poor Lydia has been having nightmares these last few days. Well, we think they are nightmares because usually when she wakes up at night she just wimpers and falls right back to sleep, but lately she's been wailing. Early this morning she was standing in her crib just bawling. Reason #2, Lydia doesn't get consoled as easily as before when we would just give her her pacifier and pat her back to sleep; we have to pick her up and rock her for a bit. How strange that this is happening as we're watching the Heroes season 2 episodes where Molly is having nightmares as well. Oh, speaking of Heroes, we're all caught up and are planning to watch tonight's episode (though I'll be sneaking in some Dancing with the Stars during commercials).

You know how they say that you get forgetful and/or clumsy when you're pregnant? I remember being both (yes, even more clumsy than I already am) during my first pregnancy and now I've done my first major forgetful thing this pregnancy...I returned the wrong Netflix movie. No big deal, right? I guess, but it so happens that I mailed in Lydia's favorite DVD Sesame Beginnings: Exploring Together when I was supposed to mail in Heroes Disc 5! I'd like to see the look on the next renter's face when they open the package to discover it...hee hee, though I'm hoping the Netflix people will be able to find the DVD beforehand. *sigh*

Another "inevitable" preggers thing...I've gone 100% maternity clothes now. I've heard that your belly gets bigger faster after the first pregnancy, but it's more than one month earlier than last time! At this rate, I'll be a blimp by the time I deliver...well, at least my Obgyn can't complain. :P I started wearing my maternity pants during the Florida trip because I ate so much, but I was still able to wear my longer short-sleeved tops since I bought several during post-pregnancy. Well, now with the cold front suddenly coming through town, I had to bust out my new fall maternity tops since I wasn't stocked wonder people have kids around the same time of year. It's nice having the cooler weather for a change, though I don't anticipate it sticking around for very long.

I think we're having a boy...
Reason #1 - I don't feel like eating anything, but I'm ALWAYS hungry. With Lydia, I had a pretty good appetite and cravings, but nothing sounds yummy nowadays. So at HEB today, I bought some of my favorite foods, pumpkin pie and cobbler, in hopes of increasing my appetite a bit. Yikes, let's hope I don't get gestational diabetes while I'm at it!
Reason #2 - Acne galore. I've got the whiteheads pretty much tamed now, but if you look really closely, you can see little bumps all over my forehead and some dark spots of the ones I've popped. Don't start staring at my face now! Okay, one at a time though please. :P The old wive's tale is that if you have clear skin than you're having a boy, but the Chinese saying is the opposite. Seeing that I'm Chinese, I'll go with the latter. How convenient that I get to choose...hee hee.

1 comment:

  1. I had skin problems the first half of my pregnancy when I was pregnant with Blake ... I bet you're having a boy too! :) So exciting!!
