Tuesday, August 21, 2007

One year of unemployment

Wow, it's almost been over a year since my last days of working. Sometimes I miss the social factor, but overall, I've been happy staying home with Lydia and "working" on my eBay and Craigslist stuff. Yes, I'm still keeping it up...but when we have another child, I'm pretty sure eBay and Craigslist will be going on the back burner for a LONG time.

As for our backyard, we're in queue for some wrought iron railing on the concrete steps and then we are officially finished! I'll have pictures up when that project is completed. Oh, one really bad thing about the landscaping, the ants were greatly disturbed by their homes being destroyed, so I believe they are on a mission to invade ours. We've had ants everywhere! My clothes, the bathroom, the pantry...ugh! Trung put ant poison on the perimeter of the house, so they have seemed to die down, but who knows. Poor Lydia got bitten on the face, though I think they might have been mosquito bites. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    lol... what a couch potato. She even stayed glued to the tube when she waved goodbye.
