Friday, June 02, 2006

6 months and going strong

Wow, I can't believe it's June already! Month end was CRAZY at work this time around, which helped me make the decision to start my maternity leave mid-August as opposed to leaving whenever I can't take it any more or when the baby comes. Actually, that may be before mid-August anyways...hmmmmm. Last thing I need is to go into pre-term labor while drawing up loan docs.

Well, my sister-in-law offered to host a baby shower for me and I am delighted! Evites were sent out a couple days ago and we've already got a good group coming. (Well, it's at Todai; how can anyone refuse sushi?) Can't wait to see all the cute little baby clothes. :)

That's about it for now. Lydia has been kicking up a storm inside my belly and getting big. Doh! Gotta post those preggo pics!


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Yes, you MUST get those pictures up! Please!!

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    yay! sushi for everyone! oh, wait.. :x
