Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Ly Family 2009

Sophie received a gift certificate for Portrait Innovations for her birthday, so we decided to use it for our annual family pictures. You can view more pictures in my Picasa Web Album. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We took advantage of Trung's working from home the second day he started. We headed for Houston Thursday night so that we could catch Mike before he went to France. We had originally planned to go to the Houston Zoo on Saturday, but my parents discouraged due to the swine flu scare. We still had a fun time relaxing with family; my aunt and uncle were also in town.

The girls taking a break from playing basketball.

How many surgeons (my aunt and uncle) and engineers does it take to put together a grill? Yummy ribeyes came soon after.

Cousin quartet

Grandma looking for some guavas to feed the starving grandkids.

Sweet girls

Happy Sophie

One last workout before heading home

Lydia with her new friend Natalie during a gathering back at home Sunday night.

Silly girls

Bop, baby, bop. Mommy taking a break from reading Eclipse (book three of the Twilight series) to watch Sesame Beginnings with Sophie. I read the entire book on Memorial Day...can't wait to read book four.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rub a dub dub

I have been looking forward to letting the girls bathe together for quite some time. Finally Sophie is big enough for the bathtub and Lydia enjoys taking baths more than showers. Trung had been giving the girls baths since I had to watch my finales, but when he went to play tennis one evening, I got to witness all the fun.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I love that Costco's shopping carts are double seaters, though the girls don't last very long in them. Eventually one kid will touch or just look at the other kid, and then there's no going back to sitting peacefully on the shopping cart. Snacks always seem to help though.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Houston for a day

A few girlfriends and I went to Houston for the day for some good eats and new dos. We left around 9 AM and got back around 11:15 PM, and had entirely too much fun. It was nice getting a break from the girls for a day, plus Trung said he enjoyed all the attention. :)

This dryer that played nursery songs reminded me of the girls.

Sarah showing off her work-in-progress highlights while Paula and I display our pedicures

Hairstylist Jessica with her masterpieces (me, Sarah, Jessica, Xiao, and Paula)

Kisses for Jessica for her hard work

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ride 'em, cowgirls

Lydia loves visiting "the cows" at the Arboretum. So every time we go to Gymboree, I try to make an effort to take her to see them. We usually end up taking a potty break at the restrooms nearby too.

Lydia riding the wild cow

Sophie didn't like the cows too much, either that or her flip flops were uncomfortable

Cute wrestling

Lydia trying to ride the wild Sophie

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting along

The girls have been getting along pretty well nowadays. They still have their moments, but overall Lydia seems to appreciate Sophie more and Sophie enjoys hanging out with her older sister.

Looks of love

Sophie resting her weary head with thumb in mouth and blanket in hand

Lydia still drives Sophie crazy at times...see?

Twinkle twinkle, baby

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Windsurfing Women at Windy Point

Trung, Lydia, Sophie, and I "started off the day" with brunch with Adam, Sarah, and Amy at Threadgill's. We enjoyed migas, sweet potato pancakes, made to order omelets, and lots of fresh fruit along with the live music. After the kids took nice long naps, we headed to Lake Travis to windsurf and enjoy the gorgeous weather. We had a superb time! Hope all you mothers out there had a memorable Mother's Day as well! :)

Our little family...the girls are growing up so fast!

The three musketeers

Mommies and their daughters

Daddy's turn

Sophie greeting in her "Tot Spot"

A quick shot before Trung heads out

Trung and Adam heading out to the great unknown

Two babies lost at sea

Trung and I windsurfing together for the first time since our honeymoon 3.5 years ago

One handed windsurfing

Love those red lips...everyone loves watermelon!

Lydia and Sophie's turn to ride the wind...Trung and I try to start them young

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Parker turning two

We had a play date with Parker (and Dave & Joy) to celebrate Parker's second birthday. We first met Parker and Joy at Milburn Park, where the kids enjoyed the beautiful day on the playground. Then we had a delicious lunch at their house and the kids clowned around for a bit. Happy second birthday, Parker!

Trung plays "dadda" for the day

Sophie posing for Mommy

Small Sophie in a big hole

Crazy kids

Attempting to synchronize sliding

Horse playing with Trung

Taking a break

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Singing telegram

Lydia wanted to wish my friend Sarah a happy birthday.

We are now accepting special requests. :)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Smiling with Sieun

We had our second play date with Lydia's classmate Sieun at her place this time. Sieun's mother, Jade, and I had been trying to set up this play date for quite some time, which was prevented by sick kids and my brother's visits, so we were glad to finally meet up. Jade made some delicious flatbread pizzas and cut up some pineapples for a snack after MDO. Though Lydia was more interested in playing with Sieun's toys than with Sieun, they still had a great time together.

Lydia and Sieun squeezing into a car together...such sweet girls!

Jade and Sophie fluffiing her hair

Lydia was saying "come on, sweetie" to Sieun as they were going up the stairs and then they held hands as they went down. :)

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Yummy strawberries

My girls love fruit, I mean "LOVE" it. Sophie kept trying to stuff whole strawberries in her little mouth.

Lydia had better luck with her slightly larger mouth and nostrils flared.

Check out Lydia's picture-taking skills...not bad for a 2.5 year old!