Monday, April 30, 2007

Picture of the day (well, yesterday)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rashes and blisters

Lydia got her first diaper rash on Wednesday and I truly wished that she hadn't. The poor thing could cry every time we got ready to change her diaper. A few days and a tube of Desitin later, she's looking much better. Hopefully this will be a one time deal, but with her bowel movements going all crazy with the introduction of meats, I wouldn't be surprised if another rash pops up.

Yesterday, Trung noticed a little red spot on the corner of Lydia's mouth. No biggie, she eats and gnaws on everything. Well, today, it looks blistered, so I'm not sure if it was something that she was playing with that irritated her mouth or who knows. I'll be giving the good ole doc a call on Monday if it hasn't cleared up by then. Yikes!!! It looks like the other corner of her mouth is getting irritated too!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

101 Reasons

Here are the top two reasons why I'm finishing up with my Craigslisting and eBaying...
'Nuff said.

Our neighbor helped us coin a term for Lydia's crawling/dragging herself around, the "military crawl", which is exactly what it looks like. Also, Lydia's first tooth is barely poking through her gums. She's still a'drooling and gnawing on everything, so that little sucker should appear any day now.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Craig and his unreliable list

For the first time in my history of using Craigslist, I've gone to meet someone and the seller was a no show. I couldn't believe it! Then when I got home and e-mailed him "did you decide not to sell it to me?", he wrote that his cell phone died and he forget the charger blah blah blah. Okay, fine, so I e-mailed him back to see if he could drop it off, which I thought would only be fair, and I called him too, but of course, no response either way. Whatever, I'm pretty much through with Craigslist and eBay at that.

EBay is going soon too because I got my first "threat" of a negative feedback. Now, when I first started eBaying, I was all about the feedback, but after reading this girl's e-mail, I was like, I don't really care anymore. Basically, the dress didn't "fit her well", so she was wondering if I had a refund policy before leaving feedback (trying to hint that she would leave a negative one if I didn't refund or something). First of all, I only really accept returns if I didn't describe the item correctly, but I did! And second of all, I had a refund policy clearly stated, so why are you asking me?!? Some people are really stupid; oh, and by the way, since I don't refund shipping costs, she wouldn't actully only get about a dollar back. Sheesh!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Here we go again

Lydia got a runny nose again and what do you know, I'm sick now too. I guess every time the baby gets sick, she gets a new strand of virus, so the immunity factor doesn't get to kick in. The good thing is though, Trung only got a sore throat and didn't get full blown sick which would have totally sucked with his upcoming major meetings Mon - Wed.

So, another reason why you don't what baby to get'll get sick too! I want to believe that breastfeeding has really helped Lydia's immune system because her disposition is always really good when she's not feeling well. Hopefully she won't be as sickly as me when she gets older; I seem to catch anything and everything that goes around! *cough cough*

Thursday, April 19, 2007


These last 24 hours have been madness, completely madness I say! First, Lydia kept waking up last night. First at 1:30ish, then 4ish, then 6:30ish, and finally at 8:15. I don't know why she woke up the first time, but I fed her the second time, and apparently she had pooped later that woke her up the third time. What a night!
Daytime wasn't much better. She gets all fussy now before her naps and doesn't eat well, which in turn, causes her to sleep less and I have to keep feeding her. Also, lately, she has been having a hard time eating, and of course, today of all days, I was to start her on meats. Meats supposedly don't taste that great, which really showed, because everytime I gave Lydia a spoonful, she would gag. So, I added a bit of peas, which she loves, with each turkey spoonful, but after about five spoonfuls, she threw up. It's just been a bit frustrating all day. SIGH!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Totally ticked!!!!!!!!

I know that it was bound to happen, but I wish that it hadn't. I have officially bought my first faulty items from Craigslist. Last night I went to a lady's house to purchase several sleepers for Lydia and maybe to sell on eBay. I left there pretty pleased with myself that I got a bargain, but today as I was looking through the clothes, I noticed stains on half of the outfits. I'm talking stains galore! WHAT THA! So, I called this Heather Wade lady, yes, I want all to know to know her name and to avoid her, and apparently the clothes were sold "as is"; yeah, nice to know AFTER THE FACT!

Personally, if I sell something faulty on Craigslist or eBay, I would take it back, though Trung and everyone else probably, would not. It's my loss and "all me" as Trung so nicely put it, but who knows, maybe someone on eBay will still want it cause gosh darn it, I don't. WAHHHH!!! :(
You readers may not agree with me on this one, but cut me some slack, I got RIPPED!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Buy to Sell

I had just about run out of things to sell on eBay last week, so I actually bought some stuff on Craigslist for pretty cheap to try and sell. Well, today was the end of the auctions and they went pretty well considering that it was my first time buying to sell. It did, however, hit me yesterday that I'm basically making pennies, so maybe I'll move on to bigger and better things. Today is my three month anniversary with eBay and I have over 115 feedbacks and of course, a 100% feedback score. Woe is me, so much work and so little play.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Lydia has been moving around so much and getting into everything that we invested in a play yard. Well, I hope it feels more like a play yard than a prison to Lydia.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Of all the clips that Trung could have edited, this is what he chooses to do first...Lydia taking a quick poop. Enjoy! :P

Friday, April 06, 2007

Clumsy Mother Equals...

I have absolutely no nails, yet I still managed to poke poor lil Lydia near the eye and broke skin. She was really good about not messing with the bandaid though, but was probably wondering why her vision was slightly blocked. Shucks, and right before the weekend when all my friends are going to see her (without the bandaid, of course...this is only for my readers to see, now don't you all feel special)!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Oui Oui

Lydia has learned to drag herself around the floor, but everytime I get her to crawl, she goes face first into the ground. Oh well, whatever floats her boat, at least she's getting around now. She also loves her walker, which we put her in when we're eating or preparing dinner so that we can get things done and keep an eye on her at the same time.

Lydia has mastered her prunes and boy was she regular. :) Somehow, though, she always seems to end up with a mustache or beard.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jumpy jumpy

Lydia just loves her jumpy thingy...I mean LOVES it! We initially had her jumping where the double doors are, which connect her room to ours, but we noticed that the moulding was loosening, so we moved her to the bathroom doorway. Often times, Sasha likes to supervise from a distance.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Fun Times with Uncle Mike

My brother Mike paid us a surprise visit this past weekend. We had a great time catching up on movies and just hanging out. Lydia especially had fun trying to eat Mike's "spikey" hair.